3D Lipo
3D-Ultimate offers a complete prescriptive approach to non-invasive, non-surgical face and body treatments, including:

Product Information
A firm favourite with celebrities, 3D-Lipo has featured in numerous articles in recent years, rapidly becoming the most popular and fastest selling body treatment in the UK! Devices have already been introduced to over 650 clinics nationwide, with a further 650 introduced globally. Capital Hair & Beauty are the exclusive Wholesaler for 3D Lipo. For more information please visit your local Capital Hair and Beauty store and speak to a member of staff.
3D-Ultimate offers a complete prescriptive approach to non-invasive, non-surgical face and body treatments, including:
CAVITATION (Targeted fat removal)
Cavitation is a natural phenomenon based on low frequency ultrasound. The Ultrasound produces a strong wave of pressure to fat cell membranes. A fat cell membrane cannot withstand this pressure and therefore disintegrates into a liquid state, resulting in natural fat loss, a reduction in cellulite and tighter skin to improve the overall physique.
RADIO FREQUENCY (RF) (Skin Tightening)
Radio Frequency selectively increases the temperature of fat cells in both deep and superficial layers of fat. This increases metabolism and liquid is released from fat cells. After the liquid is released, the fat cells shrink in size reducing, and even eliminating, the appearance of cellulite.
SHOCKWAVE (Cellulite Reduction)
The high energy, radial shockwaves squeeze surrounding tissue and breaks down the molecular structure. The tensile wave leads to a collapse of the gas bubbles within the fat structures (Cavitation) which re-expand after the shockwaves ensuring destabilisation of fat structures. Research has suggested pressure or acoustic waves are effective in disrupting the sclerotic fibrous tissue largely responsible for the appearance of cellulite.
HIFU (Non-surgical lift)
HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) energy can be used to penetrate through skin layers, targeting fat cells without harming surrounding tissue. Low intensity ultra sound requires multiple treatments, whilst HIFU energy non-invasively destroys targeted subcutaneous fat and delivers uniform results, noticeable after a single 1-hour treatment. HIFU is rapidly becoming one of the most sought after treatments for the face.
DUO CRYOLIPOLYSIS (Superficial Targeted Fat Removal)
Using the unique combination of electro and cryo therapy, 20-40% of fat cells in the treated area die in a natural way and dissolve over the course of several months. The 3D-ultimate now has the facility to treat two areas simultaneously.